Post updated on December 28, 2024. Original post: January 2, 2020
INSIDE: Picking a focus word of the year that represents your intentions and goals is a great alternative to a New Year’s resolution that actually sticks! Find out what a focus word is and download the free focus word printable pack. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
They say, “Don’t blink.”
I’m not sure who they are, but there sure is truth to that saying. Time is fleeting making every moment we spend with our growing kids and the most important people in our lives so important.
As I get older, I’m learning many life lessons that make me think, “Man, I wish someone taught me how to do this or helped me have certain memories when I was little. I’m thankful for my life, but I sure would have been able to live a fuller life starting at a younger age”
Then my thoughts shift to how I can be intentional with my own children so they have opportunities to create memories and grow in ways that will shape their entire lives. All the while making stronger connections along the way.
One of those things I wish I did growing up was to set goals for my year. Then maybe, I wouldn’t be as afraid of them as an adult!

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I recently came across a post that said she didn’t like New Year’s resolutions or picking a word of the year because those things don’t stick.
Research suggests that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions follow through. It also shows that 23% of people completely give up on the resolution they made by January 7 which is only one week! And nearly half of people quit by the end of January.
I didn’t find research but there are quite a few articles that mention how picking a single focus word is much more effective than a New Year’s resolution. I would agree!
A focus word for the year is simple, memorable, and easier to obtain. Everything I’ve seen about choosing one word has been geared toward adults, but if you think about it, this practice is a perfect way to introduce goals to kids!
Who says adults are the only people who should live intentionally? Start your children young!

Table of Contents
What Is A Focus Word Of The Year?
I already alluded to it, but a focus word is usually picked in January (but you can start at any time!) and used to live intentionally throughout the year. Each member of the family picks their own word or concept!
Here are good guidelines on what kind of word to choose:
- Something to work on or improve upon – Reflect on the year before to find an area in your life that needs a little love.
- Something you need more of in your life – Think of something that isn’t easy for you or holds you back.
- Something that will inspire you to live a fuller life – Look around and find what would be nice to have more of in your life that will make you a better person.
I originally wrote this post in 2020. That year, we chose the words, fitness, connect, friends, challenge and quiet. This year, the kids picked, “flow, power and excitement” and my husband and I picked “perseverance and encouragement” which all very fitting for the stages of life we are in.

How to Focus On Your Word All Year Long
Here are some ideas to help make this word of the year thing do its job.
Find A Friend
Do you have a friend or sibling who shares a common goal or word or is just a really good accountability partner? Since our whole family has chosen a focus word for the year, we will easily be able to remind each other of our goals.
Tell all your friends about your word and ask them to check in with you throughout the year.

Write Down The Focus Word And Display It In Your House
I’m all about writing things down. My mind is a scary place so this ensures it won’t get lost. Also, the act of writing something down helps your hippocampus store it in long-term memory.
- You can use special markers to write your focus word on your bathroom or bedroom mirror.
- Use post-it notes to stick to places like your steering wheel, or your kids’ backpacks and inside their lunch boxes.
- Another way to remember your word is to write it on a poster to hang on the fridge or command center. And your kids can hang it in a visible place in their room like on the backside of their doors or next to their beds!

BONUS!! I created two different ways to do this that are free for you to download! By signing up for my newsletter, you will get a list of word ideas, a poster for the whole family to write their words, and a poster for individual use. Click here for your Freebie.
Meditate on Your Word Daily
During your morning routine, take 30 seconds to remind yourself of your focus word of the year and how it will affect your day. It can become part of your gratitude practice or prayer time.
For kids, encourage them to say the word once a day while brushing their teeth in the morning (which works well if it’s written on the mirror!) or on their way to school. If you have little kids, come up with a fun song that incorporates their word. This not only makes it fun, but it also is a great memory exercise.
Related: Transform Your Morning Routine to be a More Productive and Happy Mom

Read Books That Helps Bring the Concept of Your Focus Word to Life
Find books that are related to the topic or concept you chose. We have a library less than five minutes from our house so we take multiple trips for “focus word” books. Or I’ll search on Hoopla or Audible to find an audiobook that is related to the topic and how I can better myself.
For example, if my word is joy, I would read something like How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations by Max Lucado. Or if you choose connect, you can read Find Your People by Jennie Allen.
Kids can have fun with this too!
One of my sons chose, challenge, as his word this year so we could get him Difficult Riddles For Smart Kids: 300 Difficult Riddles And Brain Teasers Families Will Love. The book isn’t about the word challenge but rather is a challenge!
Get Creative
Draw, paint, and make creations that involve your word.
I used to love to paint and haven’t in years. I could dust off my paintbrush and paint a picture that represents my focus word of the year.
For the kids, they can do science experiments, STEM projects or make crafts that remind them what they’re focusing on for the year. It isn’t just about the word but the meaning and concepts behind the word.

You can provide your children with materials like markers, paint, paper, styrofoam, pipe cleaners, beads, and whatever else they can use to create a masterpiece that represents their word.
Going back to my son’s word, challenge, creating something difficult can represent his word. My other son chose the word, friends, so he could make creations to give to his friends like cards or games he created.
Read Next: The Ultimate List of Activity Supplies

Schedule Activities
Be deliberate and make time to engage in activities around your focus word.
At the beginning of every month during your family meeting, have everyone choose an activity that embraces their word of the year. Examples for my son who chose the word, challenge, could be going to a rock climbing gym, going to a park introducing himself to three new friends, or whatever else he finds challenging. That could also work well with my other son’s word, friends. One trip can work for both boys’ goals they want to focus on for the year!

FOR YOU! Download a free Family Meeting Agenda when you join my mailing list.
Sing A Song!
I mentioned this earlier but another creative way to incorporate your focus word is to make up a catchy jingle with your focus word of the year that you sing in the shower, while getting ready or while rocking your young child.
I have a bunch of very random short rhyming songs on topics my toddler has chosen like cars, noodles, and mac n cheese that I sing daily to him. So why not add a song with my word in it? Only if I chose something that was a little easier to rhyme…
How to Choose Your Focus Word of the Year
Now that we know what a word of the year is and how to make sure it penetrates into our daily life all year long, let’s choose a word!

Here’s a simple process to help you choose your word from Mountain Modern Life.
- Reflect – Look at years past and find an area of your life that you want to improve or make better.
- Visualize & Pray – Sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed and visualize what you want this next year to look like. Ask God to reveal what He has planned for you and see what word comes to mind.
- Pick a Few Words – Look at a list of words (like the one you can download for free!) and pick one that is the best fit.
- Review and Refine – With the words you chose, narrow it down to one or two that will be the easiest to stay focused on all year.
- Commit – Once you’ve gone through this process, commit to a word, write it down, and see how it impacts your daily life!
Free Focus Word Printables!
To make choosing a focus word of the year as easy as possible, I created a list of words and posters for you!

List of Words
The list has great words for not only parents but also kids!
The bolded words are more fitting for children. As my kids perused the list, the bolded words jumped out at them. My toddler wanted to pick a word, too, so I read a few words to him and he chose “quiet.” We’ll see how long that lasts! Ha!

Focus Word of The Year Posters
Lastly, I made two posters to make remembering your word easy peasy lemon squeezy.
One poster includes everyone’s word so you can hang it in a common area in your house like a command center or the fridge. The other one is intended to be cut in half and used for your kids’ rooms or a place that they see every day.
What Word Did You and Your Kids Pick this Year?
I’d love to know. Comment below or email me at on what word or New Year’s resolution you focus on this year! And if you liked this post, please share it on Pinterest or with a friend by clicking on the share buttons below.

Alexis H. says
We do a similar thing and we each meditate a pick a work of the year and do a bible study on it, apply the word that we learn and practice what we meditate on but I love that you have posters for it and a little word list!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I like the idea of picking a bible study to go with it! Thanks!!!
Sarah says
We as a family decided on two words for the year, “Clear vision ” since the year is 2020. 🙂 Clear Vision for all areas in life, from the friends we pick to the food we eat. Having “Clear Vision” to make the best choices and take the best route.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
How clever!!! LOVE that!!!
Lauren says
I love this idea of a word of the year. I tend to just make general. yearly goals, but this forces me to really reflefct on what I am looking for with this goal. I am picking the word health. Normally,I. would say lose the rest of my baby weight, but I rather be healthy in all sense of the word. Happy New Year!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That is such a great goal, Lauren! Health over losing weight always wins 🙂
Cate says
Excellent ideas! I’m gonna do this!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thanks!!! You should!!!
Jen Towkaniuk says
Such a great idea to have your kids choose words for their year. Sets them up for success later in life by reaching them young and making it so fun. The printables are amazing too!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes, that was my thought for sure. And it’ll become a habit to reflect and make change as they get older. Thank you!!!
Diana says
The word of the year is such a fun idea! Maybe we should start doing this.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
It really helps make a positive change for sure!
Christine says
I love this idea SO much!! I hadn’t put much thought into a word of the year for myself, but doing it with my kids would be pretty awesome! My daughter will be super into this. And I love that you took something you personally wish you had known earlier and put into action a way to make that happen for your kiddos!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Awe, thank you! Yes, I think we do so many things as adults and don’t realize how awesome those same things can impact our kids! My boys were excited to pick a word. I would love to hear what your daughter picks!!!
Coralyn says
In the last couple of years I’ve really come to understand the value in having a word to focus on. I will definitely use these tips to get the best from my one word this year. Thanks for the tips.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
It really has so much power! Thank you!
Emily says
I can never think of a word! I have actually been trying this year, so I am going to think of your tips.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I hope they help! Check out the list!! There are over 200 words on there!
Monica says
I have told my kids (9 and 5) that this is the year of Independence. So that’s our word. We’ve been focusing a lot on encouraging them to think for themselves, help themselves, and not rely on me for every single thing. It’s time they get their own cups from the cabinet! 😉
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
YES! Love that! I have a lot of posts to help kids become independent. My 7 and 10-year-old have been completely independent in the mornings for about two years now. It’s incredible! I always fall back on, “Don’t do for a child what they can do for themselves.” 🙂
Kari says
This is kinda funny, my WOTY is “focused”! 😊
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Ala says
Wow! I love this idea, I have to implement it in my house as well. Amazing. And thank you for your free printables
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You are so welcome!
Chelsae Lund says
I love the idea of one word for the year but I never thought of it for kids too!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I know! Me either until this year and they love it!
Nicole says
This is so awesome! I never thought to do this with my son. I have an affirmation for this year but it’s not too late include my son with this!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Sonia Seivwright says
I’ve not heard of this before. Sounds like a good idea.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Really? So many of my friends have had words and I did two years ago but kind of forgot last year. I think it’s a very helpful practice.
Shayla says
I decided to choose a focus word that I was already doing, and to work at doing a better job of it, specifically trying to find more joy in it. Mine is “Serve” this year.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That’s a good one!
Kelly| Citytoast2southerntea says
This is a really cool method I will have to try this with my boys.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Ariana Dagan says
Wow great tips! I never would of thought of getting kids involved to be honest but it makes so much sense! And way to make the whole thing FUN! Thanks for sharing, pinned for later!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
THANK YOU so much for your kind words! Let me know how it goes!
Tamara says
My word this year is Acceptance! Can’t wait to brainstorm with the kids for theirs.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Oooh that’s a good word!
Dawn says
I chose a word of the year for 2020 and I LOVE the idea of doing it with my boys when they’re old enough! (They’re 2 and 9 months right now.) 😄
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I have a friend with a baby and she decided his word is “Mama” this year. LOL! I had my two year old pick from a list and he had so much fun doing so. He doesn’t really get it yet but his word is, “quiet”. And so far, he has a lot of work to do!
Heather says
My word of the year is Growth! I want to focus on my personal growth because I feel like I neglect myself too much. I am always taking care of my kids and never really taking the appropriate time for myself. I never thought to have my kids choose a word as well. I’ll have to print out your list and have my son take a look over it. Thanks so much for sharing!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That’s a great word and goal to work towards. It is hard to put ourselves first but I’ve found I can give so much more if I take care of myself first. I hope that is the same for you! I hope he has fun picking a word!
Jen says
I love choosing a word of the year! Some of mine have been joy, intention, consistency and discipline. I like the idea I’d involving the kids too!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Love that you do this practice. I think it’ll be rewarding to look back and see how all of these words have impacted my life. I’m sure you can do the same!
Jen says
This is a fantastic idea for the family! And the resources your shared are really helpful to get started. Can’t wait to do this with the kids.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Rikki Ridgeway says
These are such great tips to help choose a word for the year. I’ve heard, and even seen people doing this, but I’ve never done it for myself.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
It really does help set a focus for the year and is much easier to obtain.
Sarah says
This is excellent. I’ve never participated in the one word challenge because I thought it was lame. This article totally changed my mind AND helped me choose a word! Here’s to a year of being consistent.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
LOL! Thanks for being honest. I’m happy I could encourage you!
may palacpac says
I’ve not thought of this before. I do see Word of the year among bloggers who post about them in the beginning of the year. A friend of mine uses RECLAIM, and I sorta wanna do the same.
but for the kids…hmmm….sounds like a good idea!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Reclaim is a good one. Yes, kids love picking a word and it helps them have something to work towards all year!
Amber Hurley says
I love this and im gonna try it!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Awesome! Let me know how it goes!
Katie Frazier says
I would choose the word “motivate.” Motivate others or stay motivated myself to always be the best version of myself!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I love that word for so many different reasons. Thanks for sharing!
Beth says
Love this idea! I never thought of including the kids as well.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Amanda says
I have never chosen a word of the year before this year. My word for 2020 is Discipline! I love the idea of getting your kids involved in choosing your word! Great suggestions!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That’s a great work too! I love to hear how everyone has intentions for 2020. Maybe because it’s a new decade!
Kristine Beaves says
What a great, inspirational way to love each day with intention. Thank you so much for sharing!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Sarah says
What a great printable. I love the idea.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Stephanie says
Love this idea! It helps to focus on simple yet important part if every day life.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Marysa says
It is nice to find a focus with choosing a word to work on this year. What a neat idea!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Jasmine Hewitt says
having a focus word for yearly goals is a great idea!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says