Inside you will find how to have a virtual birthday party for a school-aged kid. Having an online party is a great idea during quarantine, if you’re stuck at home or because your family and friends live far away. Don’t miss the video of all of our fun at the bottom of this post!
My middle son has been talking about his birthday party for months.
Of course, when it was getting time to plan one, everyone was advised to socially distance ourselves from others. Womp womp.
A few weeks ago, the topic of what to do for birthday parties came up in my bible study group chat.
There are so many great ideas for virtual birthday parties!
My friend said they sent out an invitation to their friends and family to have a virtual birthday party! They included an Amazon wish list but encouraged “guests” to send cards because what kid doesn’t like getting physical mail? She also mentioned they were going to do a Lego Challenge during the party.
This got my wheels turning for my son’s party. Together, the birthday boy and I came up with a game plan.

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Table of Contents
How to Have an Epic Virtual Birthday Party
Let’s break down how to have a birthday party for the books!
The great thing about having an eight-year-old’s birthday party online is that there doesn’t need to be a ton of planning and barely any physical preparation.
It’s also easier for guests because they don’t have to go anywhere and if they really wanted to, they could attend without pants on!
Although, I do recommend pants for this kind of virtual party.
Planning an Online Party

Pick A Theme
We always start party planning with a theme. For a virtual party, this is also helpful.
My son chose Minecraft. He only gets limited time 1-2 times a week to play, but when he does, it is all he can talk about.
Pick an Activity
The next step is to pick an activity you can do virtually.
Virtual chatrooms are GREAT, however, when you have many people all on at once with no one leading a discussion, it can get chaotic. For this reason, we wanted to give everyone something to do.
A few fun virtual party ideas:
- Build Legos
- Draw pictures
- Do an art lesson
- Play a singing or “play that tune” kind of game
- Have a dance-Off or do other dance games
- Do a Sing-Along
- Have a cook or Bake-Off
- Play games – Simon Says or the 20 Questions Game can both work well virtually (Remember, there’s a chat option in Zoom!)
- Read stories popcorn style
- Play charades
- Practice yoga
- Play guessing Games – Hold an item up or show a small part of a drawing and everyone guesses what it is.
- Do a scavenger hunt

Doing a virtual scavenger hunt fits perfectly with Minecraft as the game has a plethora of tools and options to pick from. We knew instantly that we would come up with a list of items for the guests to go find.
Pick a “Place”, Date and Time
Every birthday party needs these elements: date, time and location.
Online Place: The location piece of this online birthday party is the EASIEST part. Everyone gets to stay at home!
You do need to pick a video conferencing software and set up a call for everyone to call into at once. The most popular that I know of right now is Zoom. Although, there are many other alternatives that could work so pick what is best for you!
Zoom was super easy to use. I set up the meeting, got a meeting ID and included that in the description in the Evite.
Date: We decided to have the party on my son’s actual birthday since it fell on a Friday this year. We sent out the online invitation about 10 days before the party. That gave people plenty of time to mail a card or send a gift and make plans to be on the call.
Time: When picking a time, keep timezones in mind. We are in Pacific Time right now but invited a lot of people from the east coast.
With this in mind, we chose to start at 4:30 PM PST/7:30 PM ET. After work but before bed!

Virtually Send Out the Invitation
Once we had a plan, we put a guest list together, compiled everyone’s emails and sent out the Evite. There are many virtual birthday party invitation sites available such as:

Or if you’re into physical invitations and have plenty of time to get them out, there are great sites like Purple Trail who has a service that sends out the invites for you!
Party Prep
Once the idea was set and the invitations were sent, the last thing we needed to do was prepare for the scavenger hunt.
This was my favorite part because it was very minimal.

Party Favors
We encouraged friends to stop by with the option to drop off cards or gifts on our porch throughout the day.
At an in-person birthday party, kids typically get a goodie bag so we wanted to incorporate that element into our son’s virtual birthday party as well.
For all local friends (we have no family in the state we live in), we had small bags with a few fun Minecraft-themed items such as these super cool sunglasses (hello! We live in Arizona!), Minecraft pencils and Minecraft stickers.
Thankfully, we had these colorful paper bags leftover from last year’s Ninjago themed party.

Activity Prep
Before the party, prepare any materials you are going to need for the activity you have planned.
For the scavenger hunt, our son looked up a master list of all Minecraft items then wrote down what he thought would work well for the party.
Sending Out A Reminder
Thankfully, Evite sends out an automatic reminder a few days before the virtual party. In addition to that, I sent out a personalized email to everyone who was going to be on the Zoom call with specific instructions.
Seeing that we had some guests who may not have used Zoom before, I gave brief instructions on how to join the meeting, advised them to make sure the video and audio were on, AND I gave instructions on how to turn on mute!
Instructions for the activity were also given.
For our Minecraft themed virtual birthday party, the rules for the scavenger hunt were quite simple. The birthday boy would say a Minecraft item and everyone on the call would have to go find a real-life object that resembled that same item. We thought we were going to use a timer but we realized that wasn’t necessary after we started. Creativity was highly encouraged and that is what we got!
Lastly, I reminded local guests to stop by our house for their special treat. In the reminder, I mentioned that our security cameras would be recording them so if they wanted to do a little dance, we would show Nolan at the end of the night. Two of the families that stopped by played music from their phones. It was such a fun sight to see our friends having a dance party on our front porch!

Party Time!
When the day arrives, it’s time to (virtually) party!
We set out the goodie bags on the porch with a sign my son made that read, “Thanks for coming!”
You could also put balloons out front or a huge sign encouraging passerby’s to honk their horns. Friends could do a driveby parade bringing their own balloons and signs, too! We decided to keep it as simple as possible.
Next, we prepared the list of scavenger hunt items. Then we tested the connection and set up.
We were planning on using an iPhone connected to our living room TV but as people started to join, we realized we could only see 4 guests at a time in the grid view on the Zoom phone app. Therefore, we quickly joined the meeting from my Chromebook, plugged THAT into the TV and kept the live video on the iPhone. This way, people didn’t have to call back in and the streaming quality was probably much better this way!

My husband and I had great teamwork and got it done quickly!
Once everyone was on, most people muted their audio and the scavenger hunt began! We didn’t really chat or give any time to talk. I guess we could have but we wanted to start on the activity right away to lessen the chaos.
The birthday boy read off an item (followed by his brothers and me! Ha!), then the guests scrambled to get an item to bring back to their phone or laptop as fast as they could.

We started the game with keeping score, but as the scavenger hunt went on, winners and losers didn’t really matter.
Instead, the focus was on how creative people could be with the items they choose and all the laughter and screaming. The excitement level was high in our house as our boys also went and found the items so they could play along as well.
A Party To Remember!
In all, I think we were all to the point where we needed human interaction.
It’s hard being stuck at home!
Instead of being bummed that we couldn’t have a birthday party for our little guy turning eight years old, we pulled together as a community and provided such an epic memory!

If you know of any kids who have a birthday right now or have family far away, please share so they can have just as much fun as us! Click on the sharing buttons below. Thank you!

Megan | The ABC Mom says
This is a fantastic idea! Both of our kids’ birthdays were in February so thankfully, we were able to have a regular birthday party for them. This is a great alternative, though, for those who can’t! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you! This would totally be fun for a play date too!!!
Kelly Marie says
This is so creative! I am not a tech person, but I think I could figure it out. I love the idea of putting goodie bags on the porch. My kids would get such a kick out of that. Thanks for sharing!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You don’t have to be techy AT ALL! It’s super easy and so much fun. The kids liked seeing their friends dancing on the porch!
Melinda Cummings says
Wonderful post!
My daughter, who is turning 5, was looking forward to her first “real” party this year.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any contact info for any of her friends in her preschool class.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
awe bummer! Is there any way you can ask the teacher? I’m sure there’s a list out there somewhere! Most of the “guests” were family from across the country which made it even more special!
Roshini says
These are some great tips for virtual bday. My baby is turning 3 year old next month . Definitely gonna try a few tips in here
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! Our three year old thought it was HILARIOUS and so much fun. When we said charcoal, he thought we said, “bicycle” and ran to get his glide bike. It was hilarious!
Kim says
I love this idea! Thanks for sharing your tips!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Faith @ ForMommiesByMommy says
I love your ideas for virtual activities with friends! Those will certainly come in handy because I’ve been planning to Facetime with my kids’ friends and I have no idea what we should do! haha. Thanks for this list!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes, it’s so hard if they don’t have an activity. The scavenger hunt was so much fun!!!
Felicia Tucker says
This is so great and right on time! My sons 7th birthday is April 29 and we want to make it memorable. Thanks for these great ideas!!!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I hope your little guy has the BEST birthday! My friend keeps telling me that THESE are the kinds of memories our kids are going to remember. And he would not have had that much fun if we weren’t social distancing right now!
Stephanie says
This sounds like such a fun birthday party!! I love scavenger hunts!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
It really was!
Rikki Ridgeway says
I really love this idea, it’s so important to show the kids with birthday’s during this tough time, that they should still be celebrated and loved!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Awe, thank you!!! It is so important to show everyone that they are important!
Alyssa says
Wow! This is so incredibly creative! I love it!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
GiGi Eats says
GENIUS!! Thank goodness for technology, right?!?!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I’m not usually a fan but for this, yes!
Beth says
So creative! Thanks for sharing!
Surabhi says
These are wonderful ideas. Need of the hour
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!!
Olufunke says
This is brilliant. Awesome I’d add.
My son’s birthday is in a five days. I don’t know if I can do this for a 2 year old. I haven’t an idea of how to go about it yet.
And I want him to have something for that day.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
My toddler was JUST as into it as my older boys. I think you could totally throw a virtual party for him or her! It’s fun for the guests too 🙂
Deb B. says
OMG this has got to be the most creative party I’ve ever seen! We do parties all the time, and no amount of coordinating food tents could match this kind of thoughtfulness for your little birthday boy! My little one turned 9 literally on the first day of the “safer at home” order in our city. It was devastating (more for me than for her) to have to cancel her friend laser tag party, and her family friend party at home. I wish I thought of something like this. Will definitely come back to this for my toddler’s bday coming up in the summer… Tho I’m hoping we won’t be still in the same situation at that point! Here’s hoping. Happy birthday to your beautiful 8 year old little man! And way to go Mama! You certainly made this bday a memorable one for him 🙂
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! Thank you! You should still throw her a virtual party!! It can just be for fun or to celebrate her birthday since it wasn’t long ago. I was never really into party planning so this was perfect for me. I got to stay in my workout clothes at home. LOL!
Kay says
What a great post. Virtual birthday parties CAN be a lot of fun! You put so much thought into making this happen in what must have been very short notice. I have a few friends who aren’t sure how to throw their kids birthday parties this year but this is great, I will be sharing this with them for sure!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
There was minimal planning which is my kind of party! LOL! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing!
Marysa says
What a fun idea! My daughter actually spent her 13th birthday in mandatory quarantine in her bedroom, because she was exposed to two kids at school who had coronavirus. It was a tough day! She is waiting until isolation orders are lifted to do something else fun with friends, although we know things won’t be the same, since there will still be some social distancing. These are great tips for kids who have birthdays in quarantine.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Oh how that breaks my heart! I’m so sorry she was in mandatory quarantine! Hopefully she can do something virtually and remains healthy!
Rachel says
I love all these ideas! The activities would be great for even a “play date” for kids to see each other.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! That’s what I said too!
Brittney says
Love this idea! I have one with a birthday coming up and she’s really bummed about not being able to have a party! I think we’ll try some of these ideas!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You totally should. We had SO MUCH FUN!!
Sarah says
what a fun idea. I love how well it seemed to go.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Sonia Seivwright says
I love this idea. what a very creative way to enjoy a birthday. He looks very happy to see his friends
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
We had soo much fun!
Kristina says
This is great I am planning this for my LO. Could you share the list of scavenger hunt items?
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! I will email you 🙂
Marilyn O'Neal says
Hi 😊 This a great idea & thank you so much f sharing! My stepson’s birthday is in a couple of weeks and he loves Minecraft… Would you mind sending me the item list for the scavenger hunt please? Also some examples of items found lol
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You’re very welcome! I keep getting asked for the scavenger list so I’ll have to create one to include in the post! I’ll email you 🙂
J says
I’d also love the scavenger list. We were going to do a Minecraft escape room, but my son didn’t like it. This sounds even better! Thanks for the idea.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I will email you what we used 🙂 An escape room sounds fun! How does that work???
Bela August Walker says
I would love the list as well! This sounds much better than any minecraft escape room I could find. My son turns 9 this week.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I’m sorry I missed your message. We used a list from gamepedia.
Maggie von Stein says
Amazing ideas! I have been planning a virtual Minecraft party for my sons upcoming bday. Love the scavenger hunt idea, would you please email me your list? Can’t wait to incorporate these ideas. Thank you!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! I really need to create one this week to have as a download.
Kristen says
Hi! My youngest is turning 8 and I came across your post which was perfect – he chose Minecraft for the theme and I needed to come up with something virtual! Did you ever post your scavenger hunt list? If you could that would be awesome! Thanks!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
So fun! I will send you the list.
Nadine Parsons says
I am planning a minecraft virtual party for a 6 year old. I would love to have your Minecraft scavenger list. I would appreciate it so much. Thanks.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
We picked items from this list:
Karyna says
This is so beautiful and inspiring!! I’ve been panicking trying to plan an online Minecraft party that has all the kids playing on the same server, plus zoom and it’s not as easy tech wise as I’d hoped. This gives it a whole other side that is wonderful and includes those friends/family that don’t play!! It’s perfect and I’m so glad I stumbled across this post today <3
Can I please get a copy of the list as well? Thank you!!!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I’m so happy! I apologize for not seeing your comment until now. Please email me (go to the contact page) if you are still needing the list!
Heidi says
Thanks so much for publishing the steps to your great party – so much fun! I’m planning a virtual party for my 10 yo son as well and also wanted to incorporate a scavenger hunt. Can you send me your list? Thanks so much!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I’ll email you!