What if I told you I know a way to entertain kids WITHOUT screens and it’s good for their brains?
Did your ears just perk up?
Podcasts are all the rage for adults, but did you know there are podcasts specifically for kids, too?
Anyone can create a podcast with a microphone and someone to interview. But with podcasts made for kids, they usually require a lot more than only voices. All of the podcasts I’ve found for kids include audible theatrics, sound effects, music and usually a whole lot of research that not only educates but entertains as well.
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Over the past few years, we have become quite fond of podcasts. Just as I can feel my volcano temper about to erupt with steam coming out of my ears, we put a podcast on and I go back to being dormant. It’s like magic. I’m not sure why, but a good kid podcast recenters our whole family.
On our way to Zion National Park last year, we made it at least four hours without a single movie or handheld device. With podcasts and “brain breaks”, no one even asked for a screen!
I have read a lot about brain development and learned so much about how screens affect our kids, but seeing it in action is far greater than any book. Watching how my kids act after listening to something instead of having a screen in front of their face is very evident that their nervous system isn’t getting over-stimulated.
Read Next: 35 Podcast Episodes That Will Help You Be a Better Parent
Table of Contents
The Cure for Boredom
Although it is very important for kids to experience boredom to allow their brains to enter the default mode network (the resting state where self-reflection is done), podcasts can be a great alternative to screens.
With the rising addiction to devices and with studies on how games and apps are changing kids’ brains, finding something that engages their imagination has been very beneficial for our kids. Most of the podcasts we have found are extremely educational teaching us about concepts my kids would probably otherwise never be exposed to at their current ages.
Both of my big boys will state random facts and topics from what they heard as they connect it to their real-life experiences. Right now, our little guy just repeats theme songs. It’s a start!

When we were visiting Kartchner Caverns in the spring for Earth Day, there were many booths of plant, animal and other science non-profits set up with interactive booths. At one of the tables, the boys were going on and on about the benefits of bats. The lady looked at me and asked, “Are they homeschooled?”
I replied, laughing, “No, they just listen to a lot of podcasts and read a ton of books.”
Our family loves podcasts! We are so thankful for all those who work hard to put amazing content out into the world!

Brain Benefits of Podcasts for Kids
Podcasts are free, accessible and kids love them. There are also many ways how listening to a story, especially a dramatized one, can be beneficial to a developing brain.
- Listening to a dramatized story activates and strengthens two processing networks, where speech is processed and the other where speech and non-speech sounds are processed.
- Kids are exposed to more vocabulary and language than they would be when only speaking or reading to themselves. Often times when people read, they skip words.
- Comprehension skills are often a little better when listening to a story than reading one with more details being recalled.
- In podcasts where the story is accompanied by sound effects, kids create vivid images in their minds. When they are watching something, all the work is done for them and not as many parts of the brain are activated. Reading activates the visual processing centers causing fewer images to develop in the mind (source).
- Podcasts can entice kids to read and want to learn. If a podcast is humorous, it can spark kids’ interest and motivate them to want to further read about the subjects.
- We found that dramatized podcasts were a stepping stone to listening to audiobooks. Listening to audiobooks is just as beneficial to a developing brain as reading especially for beginners.
- It can be more entertaining than reading a book and makes learning fun! Research shows that learning happens when kids experience enjoyable and relevant content.
- For kids who can’t read in the car because of car sickness, listening to a podcast (or audiobook) keeps their brains activated and growing. Remember though, it is still very important to provide opportunities for your child to daydream and stare out the window to give that brain a rest.
Get Your Listening On
A question I often get about podcasts is how to listen.
Firstly, having wireless headphones are great when everyone doesn’t want to listen to the same thing. Our boys have the iJoy Premium Headphones which are great because they also come with a cord if needed for something without Bluetooth.
Where to Listen
If you have an iPhone as I do, simply go to the Podcast App.
Here are other places you can find podcasts:
- Directly on the podcast’s website (See links below)
- Podcasts (Only available for Apple iOS)
- Stitcher Radio for Podcasts
- Pocket Casts
- SoundCloud
- Kids Listen
- Podbay.fm
- Podbean
- Podtail
- PlayerFM
You can either download the specific episode you want to listen to or you can subscribe. When you subscribe to a podcast, the episodes will automatically download as they become available.

The Best Listening Times For Kids:
These are the times that we have found work best to listen to podcasts:
- After a long day at school
- Car rides longer than 15 minutes
- During carpool! Who else enjoys a quiet car on the way to school?
- Before bed
- At a time of chaos. This is usually when I suggest they listen to a podcast and guess what, it calms the intensity almost instantly!
Listener Involvement
Another reason why I love kid podcasts is how they encourage listener involvement.
Every podcast does it differently. Often times, the host requests that kids send in pictures, ideas, questions or stories. My kids love discussing their ideas.
I always say that the best parenting tool is open communication. As kids get older, the words typically get fewer (especially with boys) so if there’s a topic we can talk about, I’ll take what I can get. I’m thankful the podcasts open this opportunity up for our family.

Our Favorite 12 Podcasts for Kids
Over the past two years, we have found a few gems that my kids absolutely love! Below are descriptions of our top 12 podcasts with our favorite episodes (if applicable as some of the podcasts are continuing stories).
In addition to our favorites, I compiled a list of every relevant kid podcast I could find.
1. Brains On
This is the very first children’s podcast we found and I’m so happy we did. The host, Molly Bloom, is joined by a kid co-host every episode so they can answer questions about the world.
It’s filled with really fun dramatic stories, expert interviews, sound effects, and thoroughly researched topics. We have learned so much about our world such as why we fart (always a kid favorite, right?), how the skin heals, emotions, animal and insect behavior, technology and electricity. My kids love their catchy songs, too.
A Few of our Favorite Episodes:
- All about Feelings series
- The Science of the Sleeping Brain
- The Scoop on Journalism
- Electricity series (The songs are super fun!)
- The Tick-Tock of Our Circadian Clock
2. The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian

This is a must-listen! Written and produced by the author, Jonathon Messenger, the listener is taken on a journey with a space explorer, Finn, his robot, sister, friends, and family. There are many references to Children’s Literature woven throughout the episodes in the character names, places, and actions. Love!
What’s great about this podcast is that it goes in chronological order. Start with Season 1, Episode 1 to get started. Because of the format, it’s like listening to a really long movie that keeps getting better and better. Johnathon does an incredible job writing and telling the stories with a few sound effects and old school video game sounding music.
In addition to the actual story, this podcast has an opening bit (I’m not sure what the technical term is!) with a very funny robot named Bee Bop. He even has his own set of episodes called, “Bee Bop Tales” in the “off-season”. My boys wait with great anticipation every time a regular season ends.
3. Wow! In the World

Hands down, the hosts of this show, Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas, are on a mission to save the world through our kids. Where do I even begin? From the incredible editing of sounds that literally make you feel like you are in the story to the topics they cover, I feel like this podcast has increased my kids’ intelligence. And if I’m being completely honest, mine too! Ha! For real though, it’s amazing.
And besides it being extremely educational, it’s absolutely hilarious. I still hear my kids singing, “Who let the frogs out?” Like daily.
They take new research in the world of science putting fascinating concepts in front of kids. The character development of the two main characters makes it very easy to find every episode hilarious. You just fall in love with Guy and Mindy. There are so many little idioms that we repeat often.
Some of Our Favorite Episodes:
- G-Force Vs. Wasabi: How The Brain Registers Pain
- An UnFROGettable Day at the Museum of Wow!
- Bored Out of Your Bonkerballs? Why Having Nothing To Do Can Be Good For You
- Recess 101
- 3D Printing the Future!
4. Story Pirates

When we first started listening to this podcast, my boys were hooked. We love their current format of having a continuing story of the Story Pirates on their ship that is woven throughout each episode within two adaptations of kid-written stories.
And the songs! Some of the stories are audibly acted out and others are made into original songs. This year, they even came out with their second album. Some of the songs are so catchy I find myself singing them.
In addition to the stories, they encourage kids to write their own stories with what they call, story sparks. The sparks are ideas for kids to build upon to create their own original story. It’s fun to hear what my kids come up with.
A Few of our Favorite Episodes:
- One Little Pink Rose / I Lost My Tooth In Hollywood
- The Quest for the Golden Banana / Pigduction
- The Wizard Who Could Just Go Poof
- Banana Clown
5. Smash Boom Best
This podcast is a spin-off from Brains On. It quickly has become a favorite. They debate two topics in a very entertaining way. The host is the same as Brains On, Molly Bloom. Each episode has two different debaters and a kid judge. You can tell they have a ton of fun from all the laughing in the studio. It surely translates into laughter in our car.
The debaters come up with incredible points that are set with sound effects, music, and humor.
We are on Season Two where they have added one other segment that teaches kids about debating. My oldest really loves this part. He likes learning the different terminology and how to become a debater.
A Few of Our Favorite Episodes:
6. Circle Round
Although this podcast doesn’t have as many bells and whistles, it’s still very entertaining. The host, Rebecca Sheir, tells folktales from all around the world. In addition to Rebecca’s soothing narrator voice, Circle Round also brings on many notable people from screen and stage to provide voices for the characters.
The best part of this podcast is the great lessons each story teaches such as kindness, generosity, and perseverance. All the things that we need more of in the world. My kids also like to know where the story is from. It’s a great way to open a child’s eyes to more than the country he or she is from.
Some of Our Favorite Episodes:
7. Pants on Fire

The best word to describe this podcast would be, silly. Having a game-show type format, there is a kid contestant who listens to two people claiming to be an expert. The contestant then has to figure out who is telling the truth. The host, Deborah Goldstein, keeps the show moving and her co-host L.I.S.A. (Live In Studio Audience) adds humor and flavor.
The show helps kids to check facts, become good question-askers and listeners and to trust their gut. These are important skills in today’s world where we are inundated with false information.
A Few of Our Favorite Episodes: The episodes do not have their own “notes” page so here is the link to access them all.
- Stunts
- Icecream
- Coding
8. Chompers

This podcast is genius! They’ve taken the problem of kids not wanting to brush their teeth and solve it by providing entertainment during brushing.
After the short introduction, they have two minutes worth of information around a certain topic. Sometimes they tell jokes or riddles, play music or ask questions and present random facts. It’s set up in a way to help kids know how long to brush each part of their mouth.
Chompers for the win!
9. Highlights Hangout

Do you like Highlights Magazine? I still remember the feeling I got when it arrived in the mail or I saw it at a doctor’s waiting room. Highlights Hangout is the podcast form of the magazine. The hosts, Tim and Juanita, are very enjoyable to listen to as they go through the different segments that are similar to what you can find in print.
This podcast is animated and edited very well with great music and sound effects. The episodes include skits, stories, riddles, jokes and different characters from the magazine. They also sprinkle in a little extra fun with a hidden sound kids need to listen for and count up at the end. Lastly, you can’t help but love the catchy theme song.
10. The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
The shows of this podcast were written years ago before podcasts were what they are today. Written with the style of the “glory days of radio” serials, the episodes are short and humorous.
The intro is spoken so quickly, my head spins, but my kids love it. I guess there’s always the option to slow it down. Each episode is a very short story part of a bigger story like a few of the other podcasts listed above.
11. Molly of Denali

This is a brand new podcast that even my toddler loves. It’s adapted from the new PBS show of the same name. Because of this, it feels like a show that you listen to instead of watch.
The main character, Molly, is an Alaskan native who goes on adventures and listens to stories from her grandpa. In the first season, she makes a new friend who is full of energy and spunk.
12. So Get Me Podcast by Alphabet Rockers

As I was researching for this post, I came across this brand new podcast and am loving most of the messages. Their website is just as great with music and videos, performances and all the shows they offer. This is how we introduce kids to diversity, how to feel good about being in their own skin and how to spread kindness. Kindness always wins.
And they have a Grammy Nominated album called Rise Shine #Woke! Go check it out!

MORE Podcasts For Kids
I scoured the internet for other podcasts for kids. We have started listening to a few on the list that my kids already want to subscribe to.
Included in this list are podcasts that are still currently publishing episodes. However, I did include a few that are no longer updating episodes as long as there were plenty of quality shows to pick from.
I listened to at least a portion of one episode from each podcast before adding it for you. A lot of these have great websites with additional information or activities for your kids.
- Earth Rangers
- But Why
- Fun Kids Science Weekly
- Science is Fun E
- Tumble Science Podcast for Kids
- The Show About Science
Christian/Bible Stories
- The Good Words Podcast
- Kids Corner Podcast
- Keys For Kids Devotional – Word With Zach
- 1 Year Daily Audio Bible for Kids by Daily Audio Bible
- Chuck Swindoll’s Paws and Tales Biblical Wisdom for Kids (I just found this one and it’s quickly becoming a favorite!)
- Faith In Kids
Story Podcasts and Serials
- Stories Podcast
- Tara Tremendous
- Story Nory
- Elenor Amplified
- Mayan Crystal
- The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel
- Story Spectacular
- Reading Bug Adventures
- Little Stories for Tiny People
- Journey With Story
- JoJo Gnome’s Story Podcast
- Girl Tales by Adam Gidwitz
- Grim, Grimmer, Grimmest
- The Past and the Curious
- What If World
- Aaron’s World
- KidNuz
- Forever Ago
- The Children’s Hour
- Noodle Loaf
- The Cramazingly Incredifun Sugarcrash Kids Podcast
Self Improvement/Ethics
Mindfulness/Bed Time

What Are Your Kids Listening To?
Do you think your kids will like podcasts if they don’t already?
Or if they do listen, what podcasts do your kids listen to? Any new ones I can add to my list? Please comment below so I can add them!
Nick Pavlidis says
Thanks so much for including Five Minutes With Dad on your list! We have some awesome episodes ready to publish as summer break comes to an end!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You are very welcome! I just found it when researching for this post. I’m sure my kids are going to love it!
Nick Pavlidis says
Awesome! We’re honored and will give your site a shout out on a future episode!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Erica D says
This was a great resource and for our kids (7 and 10) that like the grimmer shows we highly recommend Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest, Mars Patel and Unspookable.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you! Mars Patel was a little too old for my younger kids and they’re usually all together in the car so we haven’t gotten into it. I haven’t heard of the other two. I’ll add them to the list!!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I had to tell you that my boys LOVE Grimm, Grimmer Grimmest and I don’t mind it either. We listen to it every day on the way to school so each episode usually lasts us about a week (it’s a quick drive). Thank you again for sharing!
April says
Thank you for linking to April Eight Songs & Stories Podcast. I’m so glad you are listening!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Of course!
Jonathan Chase says
Great article and very informative. Thank you for adding our series Tara Tremendous to the list! We won the Parents’ Choice Gold Award for Best Podcast this past year. We’d also recommend The Owlsteins for younger listeners, and of course the adventures of the “misfit monster kids” Spooky Troop!
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