Inside: Here is a master list of home education resources for parents including live videos, virtual field trips, supplemental educational lesson plans, subscription boxes and more! These resources allow you to sign up without a school account. Originally posted: March 21, 2020; updated August 4, 2020 with more resources)
Back in March, we left for our spring break vacation and came back to empty grocery store shelves and headlines that told us to socially distance ourselves from other people to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.

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Most states (if not all) here in the United States closed down all public schools. And now as we approach the 2020-2021 school year, it’s looking like a lot of schools’ doors will stay closed. School administrators, teachers, and parents are working hard to find the best solution that keeps mental and physical health in mind.
Read Next: The Scary Truth About Sending Kids Back to School & What Experts Say To Do
It’s much easier said than done, but it’s important that we do not panic.
Just because we are supposed to stay home does not mean our children’s education needs to stop.
The structure of our kids’ day does not need to look the same as it does when they are in school, but learning can continue.
Many parents are now faced with needing to educate their kids at home.
I have heard from many parents who have decided to switch completely over to homeschooling as they have the means to do so. However, many are not looking to homeschool full time or purchase curriculum, but rather, find resources that will supplement their children’s educational experience, like distance learning or online school. And some need educational resources to simply keep their kids busy at home until school doors reopen.
PSSST: If you are working full-time from home and it’s NOT working with having kids who are attending school at home, check out the brand new course, Work From Home With Kids Who Thrive course from Sparkitivity. Use the coupon code THRIVE25 for 25% off. My readers will also receive a free pdf workbook on how to create an invention station kids will love. You can also find more tips as to what to do here: 7 Practical Tips for Homeschooling and Working Full Time
This is why I’ve compiled a comprehensive home education list for Pre-K – 8th Grade (and everything in between) to assist parents who are needing to continue their children’s education.
The list is broken down into categories with learning resources that include both online and offline options.
Table of Contents
How to Use This Resource (Free Download)
Okay, so I know this is information overload with so many different resources. Here is how we have been using it:
- Save the eBook (download yours here!) to my desktop for easy access
- Pick a subject to work on each day of the week
- Look for a website that offers projects and activities for that subject
- Write it down on our schedule for the week. Here are some great summer schedules that can be used at any time of the year.
Pick one or two activities or websites to focus on at a time (unless you’re researching homeschool curriculum) or it will be too overwhelming.
DOWNLOAD: The Ultimate Educational Resources List: Helping Kids Learn At Home for you to download for free.

Tips For Doing School At Home
In January 2020 (before the pandemic), our boys moved to an in-home school environment. It has been an adjustment to go from teacher-led learning to self-guided learning. However, it can be done especially if you don’t have the bandwidth to go to work or work from home while educating your kids at the same time.
Before I get into the resources, here are a few tips for educating your kids at home to help lessen frustration and make at home learning work:
- Give kids the autonomy to choose where they want to learn and what they want to do.
- Set up a basic schedule. Most kids thrive with structure. Be flexible with change. If not, you may be setting yourself up for frustration.
- Designate a space in your house that is for homeschooling. I absolutely love this homeschool station Sumer of Grace, Giggles and Naptime created for her kids!! It’s bright, colorful, organized, and such an inviting space to learn. She also mentions how it was quite easy to do!
- Change your mindset of what “school” is. You don’t need to mimic the school setting.
- Use your environment to learn. Go outside and use what you have.
- Include recesses into your daily schedule. Let your kids have recess whenever they need a break.
- Pull out the craft supplies and allow your kids to get creative and maybe even messy.
- You do not need to “teach” your kids. Use the resources your school has provided or what you will find below and allow your kids to empower themselves to learn. You may be surprised at what they accomplish without a person teaching them.
- Do what you can. And remember to give yourself lots of grace!
Home Education Resources for Families
The one bonus of this happening in today’s world is that we have more than enough technology available to use. There is a ridiculous amount of online educational resources that bring the classroom into your home!
Most of the resources are for elementary to middle school-aged kids. For some great educational programs for preschoolers, check out this post from Mom Teaches Mindset.
Please note that I visited EVERY single one of the websites to weed out any clickbait and to ensure the resource allows parents and students to register without a school account.
*If there are quotation marks around the descriptions, that means they have been directly copied from the website linked or from the company’s description.
1. School At (Or Someone Else’s) Home
Prenda School is where our boys have been attending school and absolutely love it. They offer micro-schools that are run by Guides out of their homes or a safe space for kids. It feels like a mashup between Montessori, traditional school, and home school. It is such a great model for any kind of learner but especially those who need to move or have a hard time learning in a classroom environment.
What’s great about this program is that they offer a Prenda Family option. You can do the program with your kids from home. While we were social distancing, we essentially did Prenda Family.
It was nice to have structure and resources so our kids could continue schooling without having to invest in curriculum or other programs. If you are in Arizona, the tuition is free through their charter partners. For students not in Arizona, it’s a minimal cost per month.
Once signed up, you will gain access to a portal called Prenda World that will offer some structure and support to educate from home.

2. Home School Resources
Here are great home school resources including online school options. There are full curriculums, unique or specific subjects, and other ways to supplement education at home.
Kids Cook Real Food
Think Home Ec for homeschool! This is a comprehensive curriculum that organizes 30 kitchen life skills into logical steps. It’s also a great way to create strong connections between family members in addition to teaching skills kids will use all their lives.

All About Learning
They provide products that teach reading and spelling. I love how there is no prep work involved. The method they use is multi-sensory meaning this is great for all types of learners.

Christian Homeschool Entrepreneurship
I love the idea of this curriculum! It teaches kids how to be entrepreneurs while growing a biblical worldview.
THiNK OUTSiDE for Homeschool
This company as mentioned under the subscription boxes section below also offers the curriculum and lesson plans to get your kids OUTDOORS and in nature.

Techie Homeschool Mom Online Courses
These courses are tailored to specific projects and topics. A few examples are Ancient Eqypt, Famous Artists or the Solar System. They are very reasonably priced and great to add into your child’s curriculum.
Intoxicated On Life
Their mission is “to present Biblically grounded encouragement, fused with solid research, and practical experience. Nurturing bodies. Cultivating minds. Inspiring souls.” They have so many different types of resources and curriculum for homeschooling that are biblical-based.

Warm Hearts Publishing
Susan has over 20 years of experience teaching and provides so many resources. “They include hands-on learning resources, writing prompts, incentive charts, posters, games and puzzles, flash cards, mini-books, activity packs, and more! Most can typically be used by parents, teachers, homeschoolers, after school programs, homeschool co-ops, distance learners, tutoring services, daycares, and churches.
“SQUILT is a music appreciation curriculum that is easy to teach. Each volume is simple and affordable. It is for the parent with limited or NO musical knowledge. SQUILT is for the parent that wants to learn alongside their child. It is for the music teacher that needs something they can pull out that takes NO work.” This is a great music curriculum for homeschool and supplemental education. They offer self-guided voluntes AND live classes!
Be Wild and Free
Monthly content bundles as well as a podcast with amazing information.
Brave Writer
Writing resources for homeschoolers
Discovery K12
Free online homeschool that offers Language Arts, Reading/Literature, Math, Science, History/Social Studies, Visual/Performing Arts, and Physical Education.
Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool
“We exist to help families homeschool. We enable families to homeschool who thought they couldn’t because of a lack of finances, a lack of time, or a lack of know-how.”
Online K-8 learning program for homeschoolers. Also, here is their Facebook group!
Self-directed online school for students aged 8-18
Match Fishtank
Match Charter School provides its entire curriculum online!
The Good and The Beautiful
Free course sets (Levels 1–5) that combine and thoroughly cover phonics, reading, writing, spelling, literature, grammar, punctuation, art, and geography.
123 Homeschool For Me
Free learning worksheets for kids.
Dad’s Worksheets
They have a growing collection of printable worksheets, online calculators, games, puzzles, and other tools… All of these are completely FREE. They help kids love learning math!
Early Learners
These resources are mainly for learners ages two up to seven or eight.
God’s Little Explorers Preschool Curriculum
Thematic units with a new letter each week all incorporating exploring God’s World.
Educational Coloring Pages
They offer educational workbooks for ages 3-7
All Kids Network
Thousands of activities such as printables, coloring sheets, connect-the-dot sheets, and more.
Hooked On Phonics
I can’t believe this curriculum is still around! They teach early learners how to read and spell.
Worksheets for Preschool
Worksheets and printables for kids ages 3-6 that teaches them the basic skills they need for Kindergarten.
3. Virtual Classes
Here are a few art studios and companies that offer (free and paid) online classes. You can find their lessons on their websites, YouTube, and/or Facebook pages.
Creative Bug
They are “a team of dreamers and makers who believe that everyone has a creative side – even you! {They} pride ourselves on bringing the latest in art and craft education to our members, and we work with renowned artists to do just that.” They have a bunch of art classes from oil painting to crochet. Click here to Get 2 Months of Creativebug for FREE!

UCode is your one-stop-shop for all education in coding and computer science. They offer camps and regular classes that can fit around any schedule. Your kids can learn experiential problem solving, how to code using Python, computational thinking, and more. UCode Membership starts at $99 a Month!
Lindsay’s Art Cart
They are entertaining and a joy to watch! They walk you through how to paint or make an art project. You can find their videos on Lindsay’s Art Cart Facebook Page.
McHarper Studios
This studio has tutorials that last about an hour and cover different types of mediums that kids can do with their parents. They have all the supply lists on their blog. You can catch the replays on their YouTube Channel. Check out the McHarper Studios Facebook Page as well.
Megapixels School for the Arts
Meg of Megapixels offers free online art classes through her Facebook Group. You can join here!
Loog Guitars
“Loog solves this: our 3-string guitars reduce chords to the basic triad, allowing for an easier and faster learning process. With a Loog, kids can play songs on day one, feeling rewarded and encouraged to keep on playing and learning.” When you buy on of their guitars, you also get flashcards and free zoom classes that teach kids how to play!

4. Online Education/Supplemental Classroom Websites
These sites are more than just educational games. They are used by a lot of teachers and in the schools to supplement education. I was shocked at how many incredible companies that are providing full-blown lesson plans, activities and materials. What great resources to have while doing school at home. These are both paid and free educational resources.
All Subjects (English Language Arts, Math, Science & More)
Scholastic (Grades K-9)
Scholastic is offering a learn-from-home section on their website that is extremely educational and fun to do! Scroll down to choose the grade level you want to work on. “Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video.” There are even questions at the end.
I didn’t know where to put this resource because it’s not all online, but that made me love it even more! They offer so much including supplemental materials that you can purchase to have at home or in the classroom for your kids. They “support teachers, inspire students, engage parents, and champion learning by doing.” They provide students with hands-on learning!
Center For Interactive Learning and Collaboration (Grades K-6)
“Beginning March 23rd we will offer, free of charge, interactive, live-streamed programs from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Eastern time. The programs are delivered by our highly professional content providers. Registration coming soon!” Seriously, you may want to jump on this one for kids in Grades K-6th.
IXL (Grades K-12)
Comprehensive K-12 curriculum. IXL provides a ton of resources to help families continue their children’s education at home. This site is LOADED with resources such as printable worksheets and workbooks!
BrainPop (Grades K-12)
BrainPop is a supplemental resource that provides “engaging learning games, animated movies, and activities.” They have free access during this time of social distancing.
Khan Academy (Grades K-8)
This is what our boys use through Prenda School for Math. The video lessons are very easy to follow. To test their knowledge, they take unit tests and don’t move on until they have mastered the content. This is a great resource if you are working from home and need your kids to do schoolwork without your help. Additional resources while stuck at home: Khan Academy home learning schedule for parents
Actively Learn (Grades 6-12)
This website has so many ways to educate your kids from home. “Actively Learn is a digital curriculum platform for grades 6-12 English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Our catalog includes over 3,000 texts, videos, and simulations that include embedded questions, scaffolding notes, and multimedia to support all learners.”
DK findout!
DK, the maker of the best non-fiction fact books has “built a safe place online for your child to see, learn, and explore almost everything.” This website includes videos, quizzes, and an abundance of fact pages. There are resources for both parents and teachers.
Raddish Kids Homeschool Lesson Plans
Amazing lesson plans that incorporate Reading, Geography, Social Studies, Culture studies, AND Home Economics!
PBS LearningMedia (Grades PreK – 12)
“PBS LearningMedia is a free, PreK-12 digital media service available to educators nationwide. Our free service offers access to more than 30,000 learning materials aligned to state and national standards, including 25,000+ videos, interactive lesson plans, media galleries and more to enrich classroom instruction.”
3D Bear (Grades Pre-K – 12)
“[3D Bear] has lesson plans available for Pre-K, elementary schools, middle schools, upper secondary and libraries in ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, Coding, Design Thinking, Computational Thinking, and STEM/STEAM. It is also a great tool for Career and Technical Education (CTE).”
Teachers Pay Teachers (All)
A great resource for school activities, games, printables, and more. A lot of the resources are free and the others are available for a small fee. When you buy from this website, you are supporting teachers! (Grades K-5)
“Independent Study Packets: [Each packet has a] week’s worth of offline activities tailored to grade levels covering English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies for K-5. Ready to print.”
Achieve 3000 Literacy at Home (Grades 2-12)
SCROLL DOWN the page to find the “any student” section. Students in grades 2-12 can set up an account to be able to read articles on the topics of science, entertainment, technology, current events, and other fictional stories. Also included are short lesson activities and poll questions.
Great Minds (Grades K-12)
Great Minds is a knowledge-building website that provides written materials for math (Grades K–12) and daily instructional videos for English Language Arts (Grades K–8), Math (Grades K-12), and Science (Grades 3–5). “We will post new video lessons and update our content daily.”
Circletime (Grades PreK – K)
“Circletime provides interactive “Mommy and Me classes” that are convenient and engaging for parents and fun and educational for children… The hands-on sessions are evidence-based and promote healthy play activities that continue beyond the class.”
Fluency & Fitness® (Grades K-2)
” Fluency and Fitness® helps students review essential K-2 reading and math topics while providing a movement break.” Currently, they are offering free weeks for parents to use with their kids at home.
Curriculum Associates (Grades K-8)
This is a curriculum company that is offering math and reading packets including worksheets kids can do at home.
Izzit (Grades K-12)
This site ” offers FREE, high-quality educational materials to educators: teachers, homeschoolers, parents, grandparents, scout troop leaders – to anyone interested in learning/teaching!” Content covers all subjects from STEM to ELA to Art and Business.
Lakeshore Learning Free Resource Library (Grades PreK – 5)
Lakeshore has stores and sells educational products. They also have a huge online resource library with lessons, activities, and crafts in the subjects of Math, Language, Writing, Science and Social Studies.
MobyMax (Grades PreK-8)
MobyMax provides lessons to help find and fill learning gaps for kids. They are currently offering their software for free.
Outschool (Grades PreK – 12)
Live online classes for kids ages 3-18 covering just about every subject even including music and life skills. Here is what they are doing during school closures.
E-Learning For Kids (Grades K-6)
E-Learning For Kids “offers free, best-in-class curriculum-based learning for children ages 5-12 in Math, Science, Environmental skills, Computer skills, Health, Language and Life skills. We currently offer 800+ e-lessons and are continuously developing new ones.”
Reading, Writing & Grammar
Lalilo (Grades K – 2)
Phonics and comprehension program for grades Kinder – 2nd Grade. Kids work on adaptive exercises in phonics, word recognition, and comprehension.
NoRedInk (Grades 4-12)
“NoRedInk builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data.”
Rockin Resources – Rockstar Writers (Grades 3-5)
Rockstar Writers class offers educational student writing videos. “These student version educational videos cover sentence structure, paragraph writing, narrative writing, opinion writing, and informative writing. Each video is a mini-lesson and numbered in the order of the Step-by-Step Writing Program and Professional Development Course.”
Litfilmfest (Grades K-12)
Purposeful writing projects for kids of all ages. They provide free English and classroom projects. Also, they have put resources and activities together for independent learning, homeschool, or home education. Check out their YouTube channel for updated writing challenge videos.
Readtheory (Grades K-12)
“Personalized reading comprehension exercises for K-12 students.”
ReadWorks (Grades K-12)
“Provider of the largest high-quality library of curated nonfiction and literary reading passages in the country, along with reading comprehension and vocabulary activities, formative assessments and teacher guidance.” They have a free webinar on their school closure page that walks you through how to use their platform.
Institute For Excellence in Writing (IEW) (Grades 3-12)
With their programs, Structure and Style for Students and Fix It! Grammar, IEW offers English Language Arts instruction. These programs include writing, grammar, vocabulary and poetry memorization passages.
Squiggle Park & Dreamscape (Grades PreK – 10)
A Reading skill-building and comprehension program that uses fun games to help kids increase their literacy skills. Squiggle Park is for ages 3-8+ and Dreamscape is for ages 8-15+.
Math & Science and/or STEM
The Tech Interactive (Grades K-12)
“Silicon Valley’s favorite science center has compiled their favorite STEM, maker, and design challenge activities into one place for teachers and parents.” The Tech Interactive offers virtual tours, building and making activities, global good activities, and IMAX educational films.
cK-12 (Grades K-12)
There are so many math and science lessons to choose from! And it’s always free! Each has a reading passage, videos, optional review questions, and self-graded practice questions.
Cignition (Grades 3-6)
Cignition is offering a free math game as well as the ability to purchase math tutoring sessions.
“ is an online platform for courses, activities, applications, workshops, games, current science and educational news, and users can create their own content in this area, designed to support and develop STEM literacy in the field of science.”
Defined Learning (Grades K-12)
Defined Learning offers project-based learning projects including real-world STEM projects to do at home.
DreamBox (Grades K-8)
“Online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly and build a unique learning path for them.”
Prodigy (Grades K-8)
Prodigy offers a math-aligned curriculum for Grades K-8 that encourages self-paced math practice at home.
Learning Blade (Grades K-12)
Offering free STEM lessons to help parents that may be working from home. Included are Table Talk Starter Questions, research prompts and experiments.
Teaching Garage (Grades 2-5)
“Free digital STEM curricula for elementary-aged students.” “Teaching Garage continues to build creative and practical tools that will support teachers and parents in project-based learning that inspire innovation and creativity.”
National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC) (Grades K-12)
The NICERC is offering free projects to help kids stay engaged and continue to develop cybersecurity literacy. There are some fun activities including how to build an enigma machine from a Pringles can!
The PAST Foundation – Maker Mania (Grades 4 – 12)
“The PAST Foundation is here to provide parents/guardians and educators with access to some of our STEM educational resources!” Maker Mania includes at-home activities for students that parents/guardians can download or print.
Population Education (Grades K-12)
“Population Education creates classroom activities for K-12 students that focus on human population change and related issues including natural resource use, environmental sustainability, equity, well-being, and more.” They are providing free lesson plans in Math, Science and Social Studies.
Science and/or Coding
Mystery Science (Grades K-5)
Another fantastic resource that has open-ended science lessons. It’s a full K-5 science curriculum which includes hands-on projects. Here is their School closure planning page. There is also an additional website called Mystery Doug that has many science videos for kids to watch.
American Chemical Society Inquiry in Action (Grades K-5)
“Inquiry in Action is a FREE teacher resource of fully-developed lesson plans in physical science for grades K-5. All Inquiry in Action lessons are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for “Weather and Climate” (Kindergarten) and for “Structure and Properties of Matter” (2nd and 5th), are based on phenomena students observe and explore through hands-on investigations and are presented in a 5-E format (Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate, and Extend) and include student activity sheets for 2nd and 5th grades.”
Generation Genius (Grades K-5+)
Amazing Resource Alert! This is a science resource that has videos as well as lesson plans, activities, quizzes, reading material, discussion questions and more. The videos are produced in partnership with the National Science Teaching Association and have been aligned to standards in all 50 states. Currently, the videos are for K-5 but will be extending to older grades in the future.
Create & Learn (Grades K-12)
Professionally trained instructors teach online classes using Scratch, Minecraft modding, Python, robotics and AI. They offer free introductory classes.
Creosity Space (Grades K-5)
“CreositySpace is a unique inquiry-based, learner-directed science curriculum that connects ALL K-5 students to science and capitalizes on their creativity and curiosity.”
Steve Spangler Science (All)
This is loaded with all things science including a huge experiment library. It’s a nice one-stop-shop for easy to follow science experiments and projects.
Quark Academy (Grades 6-12)
“We bring the most up to date science to live streaming interactivity with world-class scientists responsible for everything from training astronauts in the world’s only underwater saturation laboratory to developing robots that interact with us as equals and engineers who create tech to use on Mars, all to inspire and excite your students to embrace and explore science in school and in life.” Curriculum for Grades 6-12.
Social Studies & Economics
Kids Discover (Grades K-8)
“With a paid subscription to Kids Discover Online, you can gain unlimited access to our entire library of award-winning science and social studies articles from any internet-enabled device. Select the plan that best meets your needs!” Only $4/month!
Discover the World Education (Grades K-12)
“Discovery Education Experience is an online K-12 service combining curated curriculum resources with on-demand teaching strategies. Along with the Geographical Association, they are providing a variety of free geography resources.
Academy 4SC (Grades 6-12)
Academy4SC is a video series on various psychology, rhetoric, logic, reasoning, and economic topics. Great for Grades 6th – 12th. Each video comes with an explanation of the topic as well as a lesson plan.
C-Span Classroom (Grades 5-12)
Comprehensive Social Studies lesson plans, videos and bell ringers.
Social-Emotional Learning
Character Strong
Tons of resources around Social-Emotional Intelligence and Character education. Included is a resource library, an upcoming Whole Child Summit, virtual assemblies and a kindness journal.
Learning Through Landscapes
This isn’t necessarily a supplemental education company but wow! they sure have a lot of amazing resources! Learning Through Landscapes is a UK-based charity dedicated to enhancing outdoor learning and play for children. During the social distancing and quarantines around the world, they have created a Facebook group where they will be posting tutorials, learning plans and discussions.
Respectful Ways
“Respectful Ways is a PreK-12 digital curriculum offering 300 FREE online activities that teach children social skills and emotional intelligence. Students need to feel connected during uncertain times. This is a great opportunity to teach them empathy for others, how to persevere through tough times, and the responsibility to do the right thing.”

5. Educational Videos
We don’t watch a ton of videos online but there are some incredible websites and YouTube channels that can really help your kids learn. Since this list can get very long, below, I only included our favorites.
For a list of even more educational YouTube channels, check out this free educational resource list over on Marifer’s World. She also has some great apps on the post too!
PBS Passport
If you make a donation to your local PBS station, you’ll gain access to their entire library of videos on their app including Nova science programs!
MIT Open Courseware
MIT has free courses on their old content.
Stanford University Videos
We don’t watch much on YouTube but Stanford University’s YouTube Channel has many very fascinating videos on what they are testing and researching in many different fields.
Greater Good Science Center
One other YouTube channel that comes from UC Berkley. It has great videos teaching kids about the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being. Their focus is to foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. All that we’re about here at Raising Kids With Purpose!
Discovery #Mindblown
The Discovery Channel’s website for kids offering a ton of science videos that are very entertaining and educational.
Free educational videos from around the world for Grades 3-12. This website is easy to navigate with videos categorized by grade.
Doodles Academy
Art curriculum for 1st through 5th Grade. ” Each project includes video tutorials and thorough lesson plans so that anyone can feel comfortable teaching art, regardless of their background or experience level. More, the art projects are aligned to topics and themes found in literacy, math, social studies, and science, so while students work through an art project they are building knowledge and context around other subjects.”
Crash Course
They upload educational videos including subjects like Chemistry, Literature, Psychology, Film, Sociology, Physics and more.

6. Learning Websites
Here are as many educational and learning websites that have good content (and not just a bunch of ads) for kids of all ages.
- National Geographic Kids– Science and culture fun
- Smithsonian Learning Lab
- Zoowhiz – Learning games
- MentalUP – Brain exercises and mental boosters through games
- Go Noodle – Short videos to get your kiddos moving!
- PBS Kids – Educational videos, shows and games
- NASA Kids Club – Games and activities about NASA
- The New York Times: The Learning Network – Educational articles
- Crayola – Art activities
- Ranger Rick – Crafts, activities, games and jokes with an animal focus
- Instructables – Lessons and instructions for makers
- Chrome Music Lab – Hands-on music experiments
- Classroom Cereal – Printable short story Grammar exercises
- – STEM Activity guide (pdf)
- Club OASIS – Free STEM club for kids
- – Teaches coding to kids
- Seusville – Games and videos
- Magic Tree House – Games and books
- Playmada Games – Chemistry games
- Science Buddies – Free STEM activities
- Connected Camps – Free and safe Minecraft server
- Cool Math 4 Kids – Math games
- Dreamscape – Reading game for 2nd – 8 th Grade
- codeSpark Academy – Self-paced coding K-5 platform; use “schoolclosed” to get 3 months FREE
- Breakout EDU – Digital games in all subjects
- Arcademics – fact fluency and multiplayer learning games
- Busy Kids Do Piano – online piano lessons
- Minecraft Education Edition
- Starfall – Educational games
- Highlights Kids – Activities, jokes, games and videos
- Mathseeds – Math games for ages 3-9
- My Shakespeare – Digital shakespeare plays
- Free Rice – Synonym awareness game/app
- Bedtime Math – Math games and apps
- FunBrain – educational books and games
- Science News for Students – Science articles for ages 9-14
- Piper – Computer kits you can purchase; they also have a lot of educational resources for parents and kids
- Gamilab – Find and create online educational games
- Scratch – Create and play stories, games and animations (coding)
- Teachers 2 Teachers Global – Global math stories
- AppyTherapy Handwriting Heroes – Handwriting help
- Homer – Lessons, activities, songs. stories for ages 2-8
- Carmen Sandiego™ Fearless Kids Around the World – discussion guides, videos and activities
- Newsicle – News trivia for families
- PenPal Schools – Connects PenPals from all over the world
- Nitrotype – Typing games
- I Know It – Math practice for K-5
- Dr. Panda – educational app for early learning
- Johnnie’s Math Page – Math games and activities
- Joy Sun Bear – Global education videos and activities
- Nomster Chef – Cooking for kids!
- Poptropica – Educational games from ages 6-12 around the book series
- Fuel the Brain – Educational games
- Mrs. Nussbaum Learning + Fun – Educational games and activities
- The Old Farmer’s Almanac For Kids – Facts and jokes
- Grammaropolis – All things grammar
- DOGO News – Kids current events and news
- Reading Eggs – Reading program for kids
- Let’s Talk Science – Science resources and lessons
- Makermaven – STEM challenges
- ABC Ya – Educational games and apps
- Eduprintables – Thousands of activities, games and worksheets
- Enchanted Learning – Information pages, printable worksheets, crafts, coloring pages, etc.
- Animated Anatomy – Videos that help you learn about the entire body
- – Math worksheets
- Spelling Shed – spelling games
- Vocabulary Spelling City – Spelling practice program. Free right now with code VSCFree90
- Word Search Wizard – Print, and create traditional word search puzzles
- SplashLearn – Math practice and games
- Story Jumper – write and share stories with the option to print book
- Teach Your Monster to Read – Early learning reading skills game
- Typing Club – Typing lessons for kids
- Unite for Literacy – Easy online readers and stories for young kids
- Switch Zoo Animal Games – Animal education through games
- Turtle Diary – Online educational games for Pre-K – 5th Grade
- Volunteer Crowd – Find volunteer opportunities for students
- Newverest – Scratch-off maps to track your adventures
7. Educational Subscription Services
Kiwi Co
The boxes kids get every month with Kiwi Co really are incredible. I’m blown away with what they can squeeze into a small pamphlet and shoe box. Use code SHARE30 for 30% off.
Creation Crate
Tech education in a box! These boxes promote kids to be makers and creators. When you sign up, you get an UNO R3 (arduino compatible), a breadboard, and all the needed components. Then there are videos that teach your kids how to use it. This is definitely a one-of-a-kind subscription box that kids who love computer science will love!
Superpower Academy
These boxes look amazing. Their website had me at, “Raising good humans.” Superpower Academy helps parents teach kids about managing emotions, becoming empathetic and making good choices with secret missions, comic books, maker projects, and parent tools. Use the Code: SPRINGFUN for 10% off.
Groovy Lab In A Box (in partnership with Popular Mechanics)
This is another amazing STEM box kids can get monthly. “Each box activates thinking, questioning, inquiring, and original creation as we guide children through the ‘SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY & ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS.’ Our product features all the supplies needed to complete activities, experiments, and design challenges outlined in our custom, subject-specific lab notebook.”
“Kidstir’s award-winning cooking kits have one very important mission: to help parents raise children who have a healthy and happy connection to food. We believe good food can be fun for kids—whether they’re shopping at the farmers’ market or whipping up a batch of their very own granola bars in the kitchen. By educating and empowering our kids about food, we can prepare them to make smart, healthy choices. Plus, they’ll develop key kitchen skills and cook up plenty of family memories!” They have many different subscription options!
Little Passports
Little Passports offer monthly packages filled with activities for your kids to explore everything from science to different parts of the world.
“THiNK OUTSiDE is a monthly subscription box full of outdoor gear and resources that will get your kids away from a screen and outside exploring nature!”

Orange Art In A Box
“A collection of projects every month or on demand to inspire your artist.” Each box comes with one featured activity adn a few smaller projects.
Monthly books club for kids. They have boxes of board books for ages 0-2, picture books for ages 2-6 and chapter books for ages 7-10. I love that they have so many purchasing options.
In addition to their free lesson plans mentioned above, Raddish also has a membership club. Once you sign up, your kids will get a monthly cooking kit, digital bonus recipes and activities.
Little Global Citizens
“Little Global Citizens is the only subscription box that introduces your child to countries of the world AND their cultures.”
Green Kid Crafts
STEM projects that are hands-on and delivered every month for ages toddler to 10+. These boxes are loaded with a magazine, eco-friendly materials, a book, and STEAM projects.
Preschool In A Box
“Monthly preschool activities that encourage learning, reading and creativity in children ages 3-6!”
The Preschool Box (2 Kids)toucanBox
Craft boxes for kids. You can choose from different themes such as Under the Sea, Space Explorer, Outdoor Adventure Box or Story Time.

Sensory TheraPlay Box
Items in this subscription box help kids with self-regulation. These are perfect for kids with learning or attention challenges and need a little extra support especially when learning at home.
For Purpose Kids
For Purpose Kids has “quarterly Toolkits teach kids how to be kind, do good and make the world a better place for others, animals and the environment through simple, fun and easy-to-do activities.”
Just Right Reader
Choose curated books for readers in K-3rd. After your kids read the books, you send them back to get more. It’s like a library but through the mail!
Color In Kind
Color In Kind offer creative art boxes. Although not a subscription service, they have many different themed boxes you can choose from.
8. Screen-Free Activity Ideas
Here are many ideas on what to do inside with kids:
- 65 Indoor Activities- includes free printable (Self-Sufficient Kids)
- Supplies and Activity ideas to keep toddlers busy (Raising Kids With Purpose)
- 25 ScreenFree Activities (Kids Activity Blog)
- The Creative Moms Guide to Learning at Home (ADDitude Magazine)
- 5 Minute Crafts (Kids Activity Blog)
- Crowdsourced resources, ideas, and links to help parents during the quarantine (Camp Corona)
- At-Home Activities for Kids (Educational Insights)
- Free Sewing Patterns for Kids (Felt With Love Designs)
Activity Pinterest Boards
Check out these Activities Pinterest Boards. Click “Follow” to see more pins as they are added.
One More Resource!! You can sign up right now (March 18 – March 29) for a Play Alongside Me Challenge with Hands On As We Grow.

9. Books – Digital and Audio
We are a huge fan of podcasts. Here is my master list of kid podcasts. In addition to podcasts, here are ways kids can listen to or read digital books.
Epic! is a digital library for kids 12 and under. Sign up now and read FREE for 30 days!

You need to log in through your local library system to access books, audio files and movies all for free!
Libby by Overdrive
This service is also connected through your local library. It offers thousands of ebooks and audiobooks for free.
Pinna is an ad-free, screen-free audio streaming service for kids. They have some great audio programs available!
Awesome Stories
From the Awesome Stories website, “5,390+ robust, original stories based on primary sources and presented in various media formats: written, dramatized narrations, videos, audios, images, maps, manuscripts, documents, recordings, first‐draft versions of famous speeches (and more). All are evidence-based and linked to 100,000+ primary sources resulting from hand‐curated searches of the world’s most‐reliable online archives.”
Bamboo Books
“Bamboo Books offers narrated stories and exercises to help children improve listening comprehension…There are 3 different levels to ensure an engaging experience for pre-readers, early, intermediate and advanced readers.”
Audible Stories
Audible is offering Audible Stories for Kids with hundreds of audiobooks, from folk tales to small children’s books, and from elementary school reading material to literary classics.
Heifer International
“FREE resources (downloadable books, mazes, word searches, and more) from Heifer International’s school programs — with topics in social studies (geography, economics), science, language arts.”
Storyline Online
“Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more.”
Novel Effect
“Read aloud with your favorite print books and our free, award-winning app follows along playing music, sound effects, and character voices at just the right moment.”
10. Virtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips have been a great way to visit locations from around the world. I got most of these links from a google doc I saw floating on social media. So thank you, Mrs. F! I took what she had and added a few more “trips”.
- San Diego Zoo
- Smithsonian’s National Zoo
- Yellowstone National Park
- National Gallery of Art
- Access Mars
- Canadian Farm Tours
- Saturn 5 Rocket
- Ellis Island
- Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips
- National Aquarium Virtual Tour
- Seattle Aquarium Virtual Field Trip
- The Great Wall of China
- Colonial Williamsburg
- Museums
- The Louvre
- Boston Children’s Museum
- The British Museum – London
- Guggenheim Museum – New York
- The National Gallery of Art – Washington, D.C.
- Musée d’Orsay – Paris
- National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art – Seoul
- National Museum of Anthropology – Mexico City
- MASP – São Paulo
- Uffizi Gallery – Florence
- The J. Paul Getty Museum – Los Angeles
- Van Gogh Museum – Amsterdam
Live Cameras
- Monterey Bay (Aviary, Coral Reef, Jelly Fish, Kelp Forest, Monterey Bay, Moon Jelly, Open Sea, Penguin, Sea Otter, Shark)
- Zoo Atlanta Panda Cam
- Houston Zoo (Giraffe, Rhino, Gorilla, Elephant)
- Georgia Aquarium Beluga Whale
- San Diego Zoo (Baboon, Penguin, Panda, Polar Bear, Ape, Burrowing Owls, Tigers)
- Anacapa Peregrine Falcon Cam
- Bella Hummingbird
- Earth Cam (over 50 live cams!)
- Secret Reef Cam
- African Animals Watering Hole
- Old Faithful
11. Videos with Children’s Book Authors
We Are Teachers posted a master list of all the book authors who are doing virtual readings, classes or activities across websites and social channels.
You can find them all here: “The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds and Activities”. Some of the authors are no longer reading live but you can still find most on their websites or social media accounts.
Some of our favorites include:
- Josh Gad (the voice of Frozen’s Olaf)
- Mo Willems (author of Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus)
- James Dean (author of Pete the Cat series)
- Bruce Hale (author of Class Pets)
- David Shannon (author of David books)
- Jennifer Trafton (author of Henry and The Chalk Dragon)
- Jeff Kinney (author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

**A huge thanks to the sources of many of these websites:Amazing Educational Resources, Faith Bound Travel, Raising World Children, ADDitude Magazine and Prenda School .**
Download Your Ultimate List of Education Resources
I know this a HUGE list of educational websites and resources so I created a printable for you!

Share the Love
Please feel free to share this list of resources for parents who are continuing their kid’s education at home!
Erin says
Fantastic resources, thanks for sharing! We have been going online everyday to museums, math sites, and reading. The more options the better!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That’s awesome! My goal was to have one place people could go instead of multiple sites. Thank you!
Shannon says
Wow! Great job on this post. my mind was blown over all the virtual field trips there are. This is such a great resource for parents. Thank you so much!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
There are soo many resources!
Anitra says
Wow! What a great, detailed list of reaourcsmes for parents! This will definitely come in handy during this time. I’m a Montessori educator, I am not familiar with Prenda, but am interested in learning more.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you! Yes, I love your site so much!! Prenda is a new school that started here in Arizona. Because we have so much charter funding in this state, it’s free for parents. There’s a fee for other states. It’s been great for our boys!
Faith @ ForMommiesByMommy says
Wow. This is such a informative and resourceful page! Definitely saving it for future references! Thanks so much for collating all that for busy moms!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Beth says
Thanks so much for putting all this together! Great info for a future homeschool parent!
Kim says
My son and I have enjoyed virtual trips abs live cams, but I was unaware of Prenda and some of the live author readings. Thank you for sharing. This will definitely help as we move forward with learning from home.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! We actually haven’t done any of the virtual field trips yet. Screens make my boys crazy so we’re trying to limit them as much as possible. However, we have been doing so many of the STEM activities from many of the sites and they have been so much fun!
Bobbie says
We are at the beginning of our home school journey, largely in part to current world events, but I’m so excited to come across this list of resources and can’t wait to jump in. The virtual field trips are so cool and I know my little guy will be so excited!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I’m so happy you found it too! Let me know how it goes!
Rachael Hall says
You are amazing! This is so helpful for families who want to stay involved. It’s so difficult to do on your own/without teachers. What you’ve created here makes it not so scary. Thank you!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you so much!!!! We’re all in this together. So thankful for your support!!!
Melinda Cummings says
Great list!
I will have to incorporate some of these into my kiddos’ daily activities.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thanks! Let me know how it goes!
Faith @ ForMommiesByMommy says
WOW. This is such a comprehensive list! Thank you so much for compiling it! Definitely saving it!
Kimberlie says
I’m an elementary educator and I highly endorse your tips and online resources here. We love Scholastic and several others that you mention. Using art and virtual field trips is also an excellent way to make up for missing specials connections from school.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Awe thanks for the endorsement!!
Stephanie says
Such great resources! My kids aren’t school age yet but I am considering homeschooling. This is an amazing list to use!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
There are a lot of preschool resources on here too! Homeschooling is definitely not something I think I see myself doing but I love the idea for sure!
Ainsley says
What a phenomenal list! My kiddo isn’t quite school age so he’s thankfully not missing any school—but these resources will be perfect to use as he gets older and we want to do new things each day! Do you have any early learning recommendations for around 1 year old?
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Hi! I would definitely keep him off of the screens since he’s only one, but there are so many fun activities he can do with his hands! I’ll email you a list of supplies that kept my little guy busy at that time!
Kristal says
Wow, what a thoughtful and thorough post! I got so much great info for now and am bookmarking to refer back to. Thanks!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thanks! I have it bookmarked too as we have been using it daily!
Stephanie says
This is a great resource to help moms with school aged kids who are home right now. Thank you for sharing!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You are very welcome! I hope it helps!
Roshini says
I am sure it is really challenging to homeschool kids especially at this time where you have to work as well. Great post
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
So hard! Thank you!
Faith @ ForMommiesByMommy says
This is such a comprehensive list! Thanks for sharing!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Jen says
This is a very thorough list! We’ve been homeschooling for 7 years and it has been amazing to see so many resources offer there programs at free and discounted rates to support families during this pandemic.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Agreed! We have used so many of the resources ourselves. And it’s a great opportunity for the companies to let people try it before they buy it when they become full-time homeschoolers 😉
Mary Rooney Armand says
What an amazing resource! This can be helpful in our current situation and in the future. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful tips!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Meghan Villatoro says
Wow this has a TON of resources! Thank you so much for taking the time to put all this together! I have been doing school online with my kids due to the Corona, and we haven’t been able to go out since March! I think I’m gonna look at some of those online field trips! I have 3 little boys who I think would enjoy them! Pinning!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
You’re very welcome! Yes, I bet they will love them!
Donna Miller says
WOW what an incredibly beautiful and extensive resource you have provided here! Alot of work went into this and you are blessing ALOT of people! ❤
Adriana says
Hi! Thank you so much for putting together this extensive list. My favorites are the virtual field trips!
Rachael says
Oh my goodness! This list never ends! What a valuable resource.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
LOL! Thank you!
Betty Rojugbokan says
I love how you consistently put together helpful resources for children.
Tona says
Thanks for creating this list! I used to be a high school Science teacher and the list is great for parents who will have their children at home. I am definitely going to be bookmarking this site for future use for my niece, she is only one right now. Thanks again!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you! I continue to update it so that’s great you are bookmarking it!
Luisa Rodriguez says
This is an amazing resource for home education. My girls will be doing distance learning and I will definitely be referring back to this to supplement their education. Thank you so much!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you! I’m so happy it will be useful for you!
Ava James says
I pray your extensive list will encourage and assist many. There is so much detail and thought, not to mention hard wor and dedication that has gone into this. God bless you!
Teresa says
What an incredible list! I almost wish my daughters were little again so that we could do homeschool all over again using many of these resources! So much more is available now. This post provides such a great service, especially now!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
There are so many resources available now. I’m very thankful for all the educational companies working hard to provide quality learning opportunities for our kids!
Hannah says
This is very thoughtful of you to put together. A lot of parents are struggling in this trying times and are searching for help. This is a very helpful and detailed post, excellent resources shared. Thank you for this.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
It’s definitely my longest post. I pray it helps many families!
Kari says
What great resources! You are so awesome to put this all together. I pray this list will find it’s way into all those hands who desperately need it!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Awe, what a sweet comment. I am praying for that as well!
Elizabeth says
Thank you for putting together such good resources. This will be helpful
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
That’s my hope!
Rachel says
Wow! You have compiled THE go-to list of home education resources! Thanks for sharing so freely with all of us!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!!!
Joni Steinauer says
This is such a great list. Thank you for putting it together. Blessings, Joni
Mamie says
This is quite an extensive and helpful list.
Summer says
What an incredible resource for parents who are struggling to decide what to do this school cycle. Your generosity in putting this together makes it so much less overwhelming to make such an important decision.
Christina Dronen says
This list or homeschooling resources is awesome!! So seriously extensive. THANK YOU. I’m sharing around 🙂
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you sooo much!