My husband and I dated for over five years before we got married. During that time, we never had a single fight. Okay, maybe one weird little tiff, but nothing other than that. Neither of us saw the value in fighting with each other. Also, I am a total flight person so as soon as I see conflict on the horizon, I run for the hills (which I now know, is not healthy!).
I really thought we were already set up for a happy married life. What could go wrong?
Soon after our wedding, my husband and I got into a fight. Gasp! Well, it was an argument that led me running (see?) up the stairs after saying the sound, of the letter, “F”, because apparently, that’s the closest I get to saying swear words when I’m really upset.
What we were arguing about was that I was doing too much out of the house, volunteering too much and essentially, not making my husband a priority. Growing up as a VERY independent person, I just couldn’t wrap my head around making someone else a priority. I thought I was but my actions proved otherwise.
Over the years, this has been a struggle, but with intentionality and a strong purpose to love my husband and SHOW him the way he needs to be loved, we both work towards a happy married life. It’s a work in progress.

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Today, I’m SO EXCITED to feature my dear friend, Sarah! She is such an incredible example of how to live out God’s plan for marriage. With four super sweet little boys, she has her hands (and most definitely, her heart) FULL! Today, she’s going to share the importance of marriage and some tips that have helped her make her husband a priority.
Table of Contents
Creating A Marriage That Matters
When I first got married I truly believed that I was the princess and my husband was supposed to serve me and meet every one of my needs. I was very into Matthew McConaughey’s movies back then!
Looking back I realize I was new in my faith with the Lord and immature. I had no idea what it meant to truly serve my husband and love him out of love for God, honoring him and outdoing him in love.
By the time we got to our third year of marriage, we found ourselves in marriage counseling. This was not the happy married life I imagined. During this time I had to be honest and transparent with how many expectations I placed on my husband and how much I thought he was supposed to make me happy. I wish I could go back to my younger self and tell myself some of these tips.
Honoring and loving our spouse is the biggest example we can give our kids. And there’s no way to do that without God.
Our flesh will fail.
In, You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis & Lisa Chan “The more you grow in your pursuit of Christ-likeness, the more you will naturally live out your god-given role.”
The way you treat your husband is modeling to your children what marriage looks like which will impact generations to come.
As a mom to four boys, I know how exhausting it can be to be a wife and a mom. It is so easy to put your kids before your husband, but God did not design it that way. To keep our marriage strong, here are some things I have found over the years that work!
1. Say NO!
Yep, I said it. Say NO!
Wives set the temperature for the house, especially with young kids at home. Please don’t overdo it. Make sure your schedule, commitments etc. aren’t so busy that at the end of your day, you have nothing left to give your husband.
What does your schedule say about your marriage? Is it a priority?
2. You have the power to influence
Your husband cares deeply about what you think. Be his biggest fan, praise him, encourage him, and go out of your way to make him feel special (leave notes, text messages, treats etc.).
What an example you are showing your kids. Things are caught not taught. Be an example to your kids by the way you treat their Daddy.
Read Next: The Kind of Praise That Motivates

3. God must be the center of your own life.
Your spouse is supposed to be your best friend but was never meant to be your God. There’s no way to be a Christ-like spouse apart from drawing closer to God.
Our relationship with the Lord has to come first. If you are a believer, you are a new creation in Christ and called to love others especially your spouse with sacrificial love.
4. Simplify
I know it’s a buzzword right now to get rid of everything and be a minimalist, but really, you should try it!
When you simplify your life you make space for what matters. You can NOT be all things to all people. You must get rid of what is taking up the room before your husband. Pay attention to the order of your priorities. The order should be:
- God
- Husband
- Kids
- Other priorities include work, house, chores, etc.
If not, work towards getting your priorities back in line.

5. You Are Called to Be Your Husband’s Helpmate.
What does this mean? His career, passions, and voice matter.
I know so many wives that want their husbands to “lead” but when they give an opinion on what they want, the wife quickly steps in and trumps him. If you want your husband to lead, you need to listen to his leading in the small things so he can feel confident to lead in the big things.
So ladies hold your tongue! When in doubt… be quiet, don’t nag, nitpick, or sigh loudly. It’s unhelpful.
6. Bad Company Ruins Good Morals
We are a product of our environment.
Make sure that your tribe/village whoever you are around is FOR your marriage. Don’t be around negative talk people and don’t talk negativity or bash your spouse. Or be around others who bash their spouses.
Your kids are watching everything.
7. Be On The Same Page
Be a united front when it comes to parenting, finances, spending, priorities, and everything!
You are called to be one flesh in the Bible. You need to model that in all things. Practically don’t let your kids ask one parent and then the other to get a different answer.
Have check-ins with one another to talk about all the things (schedules, sports, appointments, finances etc). Put it on your calendar so you can keep yourself accountable.
A note from Adriane: A great way to be on the same page is to discover and define what your family values are. To help you do this, I’ve created this free printable with a list of values and a poster to write them down on!

8. Togetherness
The greatest influence in your kids’ lives is YOU and your hubby!
Both of you are modeling to your children what a home looks like, how to interact, respect others, be honest, and what priorities matter. Make time for one another even if that means putting the kids to bed early and having a date night at home.
Sit next to one another during meals, on the couch, hold hands, and be affectionate. Make intimacy a priority. Serve at church together.
Being together is huge. Time spells love!
What Do You Value In Marriage?
Which of these things can you implement in your marriage? What stood out the most? Which of these would your husband say would mean the most? Comment below.
Jen says
Wonderful article! Great job Sarah! I love your heart for the Lord and your family! These were wonderful tips to and reminders on how we can grow closer to God by loving each other better.
A marriage definitely takes three! Without God as the foundation, the home we try to build would not stand.
Love you lady!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!!! I love that – it takes three. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Amanda says
Great article!!! Really loved # 8 yet all were very helpful! I have three young boys (1.4,7) and so often you just get caught in the everyday things and forget how #8 is so important for all aspects of marriage and parenting. When you have togetherness it is so much easier to be one flesh and be on the same page. Great read!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I heard Sarah say that at a MOPS meeting and that’s when I decided to ask her to write an article! I agree with you. That was totally my a ha moment. Soon after, we had our kids go to bed an hour early so my hubby and I could watch a movie. The boys didn’t have to go to sleep but were to read or do a quiet activity so we could have alone time. I think that’s so good to model for our kids but yet we never did that before.
Sandra says
You are spot on with this article. Our actions speak louder than words and such a great reminder to show how a marriage should operate to our children.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Aswathi says
Children learn a lot more from watching and copying what we do, than what we try to teach them. And a happy and loving family shows them to be kind and affectionate to others. I think that’s the best thing a parent can teach their child.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Exactly! Our brains are wired to learn through what we see. I completely agree with you <3
Kate Bowermaster says
Wow. That first tip especially speaks to me. At the end of the day, I am drained!!! Thank you for sharing and helping 🙂 I know what I can work on!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Me too!
Desiree says
This is a great article. Definitely one I will be sharing. It is a great resource for couples! thank you!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you!
Sandra Tanner says
I’m saving this ! I love how this really shows that God is key to a successful marriage.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes! Thank you <3
Monica Simpson says
I found myself saying yes, yes YES to all of these. I relate so much to your heart behind this post.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Yes, Sarah has such a big heart for marriage!
Shayla says
This is excellent! I just witnessed a marriage go under, the wife was doing the opposite of almost every point you made here. It was heartbreaking.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Oh my heart hurts for that family. God can restore though <3
Kerri Wigle says
Great tips! We forget to focus on our relationships sometimes.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
We do!
Luna S says
Being on the same page and using proper communication is a huge part in keeping any relationship happy! Fantastic post.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Krystal Miller says
Love this post. I really try to strive for the best in my relationships because I know little eyes are always watching!
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
yes! They are always watching. LOL!
Sonia Seivwright says
I’m sharing this. This is perfect. I look forward to my happily ever after with Mr Somebody.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
thank you!!!
Marysa says
I love your thoughts on not over scheduling! We recently pulled back on a lot of things, and I get frustrated with people who always tell me how they don’t have time for things. I really think you make time for the things you want, and family time is a good thing to make sure you fit in.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
I couldn’t agree with you more. We make time for the things that matter most to us!
Sarah says
This is all great advice for a lasting marriage for Christians.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Thank you 🙂
Mama Bear Finance says
The beginning of a marriage is the toughest as you get to know each other A LOT better in ways you haven’t before! This is especially true if you haven’t been together for a long time or never lived together under one roof. I find your story so relatable and I do believe that we should find ways to love our partner the way s/he feels loved. Have you read about the 5 love languages? It’s an excellent book to understand your partner better 🙂
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, the 5 Love languages is such a good book. That and learning what you and your spouse’s enneagram number is! we need to realize we are not the same <3 That's the beauty of God's creation!
Francy says
I agree before we need to start from us. You are giving good tips thanks for sharing 😀
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Sarah did give great tips! Thanks!
Shannah says
What a fantastic post! It is funny how the little things make such a big difference. It is true you have got to say no so that you have the time and energy for the relationship. And getting rid of “stuff” and the need for more “stuff” really helps simplify things too.
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
We are going through that right now – decluttering as much as possible so we can focus on our relationships!
Priyota Parma says
Great article ! In your article all points are good . But I like most #8. Because every relation need this.
Thanks for your article.
Priyota Parma
Adriane (Raising Kids With Purpose) says
Talha Ubaidullah says
It’s touching to see your journey of growth and commitment to making your marriage stronger. Your honesty in sharing the challenges and the practical tips from Sarah provide valuable insights for others navigating similar paths. Wishing you continued success and happiness in your marital journey.