Hi! I love to have guest bloggers on Raising Kids With Purpose! Have a topic that fits raising kids while being intentional? Read the guidelines below and submit your post today!
Please keep my audience and readers in mind when writing a post:
- Mostly moms but I try to keep dads in mind as well
- Parents with kids ages toddlers – school age
- Ages 20-45
- People from all cultures
Type or Articles/Posts
Articles should have these things in the post:
- Original: Must be written for Raising Kids With Purpose (RKWP) and not published anywhere else. A similar post is fine, but not verbatim.
- Personal story or anecdote: Use stories that relate to RKWP’s audience and draw them in
- Keywords: The topic’s keyword needs to be something RKWP’s audience is searching for. Find a
high-volume keyword that ranks well but parents are searching because they haven’t found sufficient information on it yet. There are many keyword checker websites to help you with this. - Keep Social Media in Mind: Some articles may not rank well on Google but will do great on social
media. Emotional and shocking stories tend to do better on Facebook.
- Word length: 1,250 – 2,500 words
- Written for the internet:
- Well-organized
- Easy to read and skim
- Short Paragraphs
- Lots of headings and
subheadings - Bullets
- Require minimal editing/formatting
- Include links to referenced material such as books, blog posts, research, etc. No affiliate links. Please, no footnotes or website addresses in parenthesis. You may link to your own website (or client’s) if it applies to the content you are writing about. It must make sense to the reader.
- Please include a short bio with the submission.
Adriane provides parents with easy-to-understand and follow tips and strategies backed with research in Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Neurobiology, and Child Development, if and when it relates to the topic. In addition to how-to’s for kids, she also likes to address self-improvement for moms. Topic ideas:
- How to help kids be self-sufficient and independent
- Growth Mindset
- Emotional Intelligence
- Productivity, routines, and habits
- Mindfulness for parents and kids
- Unstructured Play
- How to communicate with kids
- Resiliency and Grit in Kids
- Neurodiversity
When you submit an article or blog post to Raising Kids With Purpose, you agree that if it’s published, Adriane Thompson retains the right to republish or reuse the material in the future. Credit will always be given to the author.
Adriane Thompson, the owner of Raising Kids With Purpose, LLC, reserves the right to edit your article to fit the style and voice of Raising Kids With Purpose.
Adriane may add affiliate links, create content upgrades usually in the form of a printable or refrigerator sheet to your content, or create other digital products as she sees fit.
Accepted Articles/Publishing
Please do not submit the article elsewhere or publish it on your own site after submitting it for consideration. Adriane will notify you if your article will be published and when. If your article is accepted, please do not publish it on your website until it has been live on Raising Kids With Purpose for 90 days or more. It may not be submitted to any other website or blog.
- You will be contacted within 3 weeks of submitting the post if it has been accepted. If you do not hear from Adriane, please follow up with her at Adriane@raisingkidswithpurpose.com
- Posting on Your Own Website/Blog: If you choose to post it on your site, you must use a canonical link pointing to the Raising Kids With Purpose article and use the following statement: “This article was originally published on Raising Kids With Purpose.”
How to create a canonical link: https://yoast.com/rel-canonical/ - The article will be published within two months (or less) from the date it was accepted.
- Cost: Please contact Adriane (information below) for current fees.
Adriane Thompson
Instagram: @raisingkidswithpurpose